Avenue 25’s Favorite Life Hacks, Part 4

It may not be springtime yet, but the start of the new year is a great time to focus on cleaning! No, it is not an exciting topic for most but I know we all feel better when things are, well, just not so dirty anymore. This clean-themed edition of Avenue 25’s favorite life hacks has some great tips to minimize the effort and maximize the results.
Keyboards collect dust and all kinds of other semi-identifiable bits of debris regularly. Try using a sticky note (probably on your desk right now) to clean out in between the keys and pick up all dirt with such little effort.
I just cleaned my refrigerator shelves after way too much neglect. It was not a pleasant task. I can’t wait to try this awesome idea: Use Saran Press & Seal Wrap (which I just happen to have in bulk, thank you Costco!) to line each shelf. When it gets dirty, simply peel off and lay down a new one.
Remove stubborn build-up on your glass shower doors easily with old (used) dryer sheets. Just sprinkle a few drops of water on a fabric softener sheet and scrub. Our Senior Art Director Rob Tinsman has been keeping his shower beautiful like this for years. Way to re-purpose, Rob!