Avenue 25’s Favorite Life Hacks - Part 2

Welcome to Part 2 in our series of the Avenue 25 team’s favorite life hacks. It is always fun to share some of the tried and true tips and tricks we have learned that make our busy lives a little sweeter! In this blog post we focus on saving both time and money!
From Web Director (and Resident Uber-Techie) Jeff Sokol:
How to Automate Your Life Like Jeff Does
How does Jeff multitask his crazy life and still remain somewhat sane? Technology, of course. He organizes his life, devices and accounts through ifttt.com. IFTTT (pronounced like “gift” without the “g”) is a site that lets you create powerful connections based on one simple statement: If This Then That.
Here are some examples of how to connect your devices/accounts together:
- Can't watch your favorite team because you are at a "find out the gender of the baby" party? Have ESPN send you a text or email every time the score changes.
- Need to let your wife know you got to work safely? Have your phone send her a text automatically when you reach the office.
- Looking for a new couch on craigslist? Get an email every time the word "purple leather couch" is posted in the for sale/trade section.
- Get notified when the status of a shipment changes.
- Automatically turn your ringer off at the start of a scheduled meeting or unmute when leaving work.
- Automatically washes your car after a dust storm. (Well maybe not, but wouldn’t that be great?)
- And more! Click here to see the different channels they can connect and click here for some awesome IFTTT “recipes”.
From Graphic Designer (and Resident Movie Aficianado) Anthony Tripi:
Saving Money at the Movies
Okay I’m talking Harkins Theaters here and not AMC for two reasons. 1.) I like to support local businesses and 2.) I find AMC overpriced and a waste of money so AMC is not my first choice of theatres.
If you love your big drink at the movies, you probably already know what a great deal the Harkins’ $5.00 souvenir cups are. Just bring it back all year for $1.50 refills and save yourself several bucks a trip. But do you know how to get lots and lots of free popcorn? Buy yourself a $25 gift card at the ticket window. They’ll give you a free medium popcorn voucher. Then simply use that same gift card to pay for your tickets. They’ll let you do it all in one transaction. Then go to the concession stand and pay $1 to upgrade your free medium to a large (use your gift card.) Why upgrade to a large? Because they give you one free refill on a large popcorn! You can get the free refill on the same day, or bring the bag back any other time. There. You just got two large bags of popcorn and a large drink for $2.50.
Forget the “free popcorn when you wear a Harkins t-shirt” deal. Unless you really like wearing that t-shirt.
You’re welcome.