Working in Tandem with Clients

We admit it: we’re a little nosy. When you are an Avenue 25 client, we will ask you lots of questions; some may seem crazy-random and not even seem pertinent to your logo design or your marketing project. Yet, there is a method to our madness. We need to know exactly what’s going on in your mind, so we’re always on the same page to create the best version of your business.
While you might think that as soon as you approve a proposal for your custom website or other marketing project, your work is done and you will quickly be handed something - easy peasy. I hate to break it to you, but that’s definitely not how it works.
At Avenue 25, we collaborate. We need to know your thoughts on the design and development direction before, after and during the creative process. We want people to visit a website and see your business, your personality, the people behind the company. That just can’t happen after one quick get-to-know-you meeting. We need to dive deeper. We have to understand how your business started, where is it now, how it got there, and where you see it going in the future.
We love working right alongside of you to create a product or service that you’ve been involved in since the beginning. We can’t create a website that truly communicates your company/service/business/product message without your guidance and expertise. If a marketing company tells you differently, you probably will NOT be impressed with the final product... unlike Avenue 25 clients who are "wowed" every day.
We know that you hire us to be your professional marketing experts, however make no doubt about it, you are our professional YOU expert.