Sentence Spacing - Office Space

Single or Double Space?

Ah, the dreaded double/single space debate. Some folks are just downright passionate about this topic. Do you double space after a sentence? Or single space? Or do you go buck wild and type 3 or 4 spaces after a period? Let’s start with a little…

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Avenue 25’s Favorite Life Hacks, Part 1

Avenue 25’s Favorite Life Hacks, Part 1

We love sharing some of our tried and true tips and tricks to make our crazy, challenging and fast-paced lives just a little bit easier. Here are a couple from our smart and savvy Avenue 25 ladies. Stay tuned for more! Art Director, Lindi Koprivnikar: Flight…

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website goals and analytics

Why You Need Website Goals and Analytics

One of our specialties is online marketing. We set up and manage paid search engine marketing, pay-per-click programs and search engine optimization for companies who need more traffic. But when a client tells us they need more website traffic,…

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epic fail

How to Recover from an Epic Fail

Epic Fail.   You’ve heard your teenage nephew exclaim it in his testosterone-filled loud opinion. You’ve read it on Facebook attached to a cringe-worthy video of an adorable yorkie leaping unsuccessfully on to the sofa. Or maybe you are some…

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Real Responsive Web Design

"Real" Responsive Web Design, and Why Mobile Sites Suck

As a website visitor, the phrase "Click here to view our full site" is something you should never see at the bottom of the site. Imagine this — you are looking to buy a new couch, and you find the perfect floral patterned beauty of a loveseat…

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Website Cost

How Much Should A Website Cost?

Now that’s a tough question. It’s almost like asking how much it costs to build a house. And just like building a house, there are a lot of other questions that have to be answered first.  In the case of the house, you might ask things like: How…

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High-res vs low-res photo

Why High-Res Photos Are Important For Print

Here’s why those photos you found on Google probably won’t work in your brochure. It’s all about “resolution”. The resolution (aka “quality”) of a digital image determines how blurry it’s going to be in the printed piece. The internet only needs…

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website template

Custom Website vs. Template Website: What You Need to Know

The adage “you get what you pay for” rings as true with website design as it does in life. Template websites might be built quickly and cheaply, but don’t expect performance. In other words, don’t buy flip-flops and expect to win the marathon.…

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10 Signs You Need a New Logo

10 Signs You Need a New Logo

A logo is one of the most important aspects of your business. It drives the look and feel of your entire brand.   If it’s not right, it can have a detrimental effect on your overall business. If done well, a logo can actually boost sales and…

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