
The Voice of Generation Z: Type This, Not That

This weekend my Mom and I were reminiscing about different things my family has posted on Facebook, and how many fun adventures we have had throughout the past couple of years. Facebook has been an incredibly useful tool to keep in touch with…

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10 Reasons a Boutique Marketing Agency Could Be Right for You

10 Reasons a Boutique Marketing Agency Could Be Right for You

A boutique agency is just a smaller creative group. Whether it’s a marketing firm, ad agency, digital-strategic-communications, whatever — choosing the right size team can mean the difference between success or failure, but it will also affect…

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under the hood

Simple is not always easy

"I just want a super simple website - that should be easy to make, right?" There's a lot more that goes in to making a website than most people realize. Everybody is familiar with using websites, and the best websites make it easy for you to…

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When Size Matters

Best Practices in Online Word Counts Thinking about adding fresh content to your website? Starting a blog for your business? Drafting a newsletter for fans or sending an email blast to your customers? No matter what type of content you’re producing,…

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3 Reasons your website will change…and change…and change

3 Reasons your website will change…and change…and change

Look at that, we just launched your brand new website! Doesn't it feel great to be... done? Done? My dear…it’s only just begun. That is, if you’re doing it right. So buckle up, your website is in for a long, exciting journey. I know, you just…

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do what you love

Do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life (because that field isn’t hiring)

1. Follow your passion, the money will follow. So why aren’t we all filthy rich then? First of all, we need to realize these phrases shouldn’t be taken literally. Love and passion are great things to fuel our fire, but frankly, it’s just not…

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design without purpose

“Take a creative risk! Risks aren’t taken anymore! Be more courageous with your designs!” Artists hear this kind of talk a lot, and lately it seems to be front and center as the latest trend. Taking risks that have no purpose. Doing defiantly…

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PRINCE, and the history of the Love Symbol.

In 1993, much to the dismay of Warner Bros., Prince decided to legally change his name to a symbol with no verbal pronunciation or spelling. Created by Mitch Monson and Liz Luce, the “Love Symbol” was a mashup of male and female sex symbols.…

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These Times they Are A-changin'

Over the past few years, there has been a noticeable shift in the world of advertising. In a new age that attempts to be politically correct and culturally sensitive, the public demands genderless design, racially diverse advertisement, and…

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