Websites can be like Tranformers 2

Websites can be like Transformers 2

Websites can wow us. They can be amazing feats of technical and artistic achievement. But hang on - for all the fun that comes with a night at the movies, with that raging loud surround sound, and super high-resolution screen at the Mega Cineplex...…

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social media day phoenix | #SMdayPHX

Did you know that Social Media Day [#smday] has become a worldwide celebration — now recognized by more than 17 US cities, 100 countries and six continents? Social Media Day is an annual event, created by  Mashable  in 2010, celebrating social…

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Filling the digital divide

In today’s digital world, many designers omit sketching from their creative process. It’s a little too easy to jump straight to a computer before truly brainstorming and exploring your concepts. Now don’t get me wrong, I do think digital applications…

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5 Rules to selecting the right domain name

5 Rules for Choosing the Right Domain Name

Today, a business owner needs to know the difference between the right and wrong domain name since it can literally be the success or downfall of that business. If you own a business, you know how difficult and frustrating it can be to select…

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3 Ways Movies Help Me Design

Movies are popular because, in addition to books and music, they are one of the best forms of escapism. As an avid moviegoer, I’ve developed an appreciation for movies on multiple levels which has propelled my creativity as designer here at…

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Why Discovery Matters

Why The Discovery Process Is So Important

Before we start any project here at Avenue 25, we go through an extensive process known as “Discovery”. Discovery is valuable, designated time for our team to dive deep into the research and brainstorming needed to develop a strategic plan for…

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Drummers and Developers: The Unsung Heroes

Drummers and Developers: Unsung Heroes

Construction industry metaphors often come up when discussing design for print and web. A website wireframe is a construction blueprint, for example, and moving content into a website framework is the moving of furniture into the house. The…

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Avenue 25’s Favorite Life Hacks, Part 6

With summertime approaching and a 3day weekend ahead, eating light, clean and healthy is on my mind! Of course, a little sweetness is always welcome, too…. so may I present a few nifty little fruit-themed life hacks. Grapes — Have you tried…

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avenue 25 lingo: graphic design edition part 2

Part 2 of our graphic design lingo. Check out part 1 if you missed it!   Font (font) and Typeface (tipe-face)   Our favorite 4-letter word that starts with an F. Believe it or not, there is actually a difference between a font and a typeface.…

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