pickle drop

Time Balls and Other Things (Pickles and Tacos!) that will Drop Tonight

Ah, New Year’s Eve. The closing out of another chapter. Out with the old, in with the new. A time to reflect as well as project… feel free to insert your own nostalgic/hopeful thoughts here.   Whether we are still December-holiday partying…

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Google's mobile test. Does your website FAIL?

Google's mobile test. Does your website FAIL?

The mobile version of Google Search now indicates if a site is “mobile-friendly” on its search results pages. It’s a nice feature because it helps you avoid those annoying non-mobile-friendly sites when you’re searching on your phone or tablet.…

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Lifehacks Part 3

Avenue 25’s Favorite Life Hacks, Part 3

Fitness tips from Kelly Pile, Director of Operations and Resident Group Fitness Instructor/Enthusiast: Raise your rear view So maybe not quite as fun as talking about the sight of your glutes, I am talking about the mirror in your car.   We…

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Looking for a WordPress site? Think twice.

Looking for a WordPress site? Think twice.

So we hear it all the time - "I need to have my site built in WordPress." The first thing we ask is, why. Some of the most common answers are: I don't know, I heard it's the best. It has awesome plug-ins. I've used it before. Let's look…

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what is your business personality

Don’t let the grind of running your company keep your business from having a personality.

It’s been said that people do business with people — yet many companies struggle to survive by simply doing the job they were hired to do, and leave it at that. So what's wrong with that? They've either forgotten about or never considered the…

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How to use design to direct the eye

How to Use Design to Direct the Eye

Ever wonder what makes you drawn to walk a certain path or focus on an area of the page first? Whether talking about architectural, fashion, print, or online, there’s a purpose behind the layout and structure of every good design. It’s considered…

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Avenue 25 Life Hacks Part 2

Avenue 25’s Favorite Life Hacks - Part 2

Welcome to Part 2 in our series of the Avenue 25 team’s favorite life hacks. It is always fun to share some of the tried and true tips and tricks we have learned that make our busy lives a little sweeter!   In this blog post we focus on saving…

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marketing budget

Your Marketing Budget Headache

Imagine this: You need help reaching potential customers with your message, so you call a marketing company. You want to know if they are a good fit for you, so you ask what they can do for you and how much it will cost. Seems reasonable, right?…

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Email Marketing

Email Marketing - It Should Be In Your Plan

Email marketing can be a very effective tool for staying in front of current and potential customers. We tout it all the time, but find that many clients still don’t get it. Even when we recommend it and add it to a marketing plan, people are…

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